Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Final Animation Project

Hey Everyone!
Here is my Treatment:
Making Friends
A mad scientist finishes creating a time traveling robot. The robot awakens and is excited to have a friend, but when the scientist explains to the robot that his purpose is to go back in time and capture a dinosaur for his creator, he is heartbroken. Reluctantly he travels back in time in time to find his master a dinosaur. When he arrives, he spots a dinosaur worth grabbing. When he approaches the dino, he realizes the mad scientist will neglect him for the dino. He becomes infuriated and attacks the dinosaur. The dinosaur quickly gains the upper hand when he chomps the robots arm off. The robot goes into shock, while the dinosaur nibbles on the robotic arm as a dog does a bone. The robot watches the dino as he acts like a dog. The robot sees the dinosaur no longer as an enemy but a friend and they begin to play fetch. Meanwhile, in present day, the mad scientist is reading a newspaper with the headlines reading: Fossilized Robot Found.


Work Schedule:
October 18: Work in feedback, Start importing/drawing characters

October 25: Finish importing/drawing characters.

November 1: Start creating backgrounds.

November 8: Backgrounds. Start looking for sounds, record sounds if nessecary

Nov 15: Finish background, Start on animation. continue sound work

Nov 29: Animation. Sound work. Add effects

December 10: Finalize, Clean, Master, Render 

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